100% Creatine Monohydrate

Regular price €13,40 EUR
Unit price€89,33 EURkg
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  • Increase muscle strength and performance: Creatine is known to increase muscle strength and improve performance during intense, short-duration activities such as weight lifting or sprinting.

  • Support muscle growth: It can promote muscle growth and is particularly effective when combined with strength training.

  • Improve recovery periods: Creatine can shorten recovery time and reduce muscle soreness after intense exercise.

  • Increased energy production: It supports energy production in the muscles, which is important for endurance and performance.

  • Cognitive Benefits: Creatine also has positive effects on the brain, including improved memory and increased mental stamina.
  • Decreased muscle strength: A lack of creatine can lead to a reduction in maximum muscle strength.

  • Slower recovery: Without adequate creatine, recovery time after exercise could be longer.

  • Impaired performance: Insufficient creatine supply can impair overall performance during short, intense exercises.

  • Reduced Energy Availability: Creatine deficiency can lead to reduced energy production in muscles, affecting endurance and performance.

  • Reduced mental performance: Creatine deficiency can affect cognitive functions such as memory and ability to concentrate.

At Tr.Eat we attach great importance to quality and sustainability. Our creatine is produced under strict quality standards and delivered in environmentally friendly, recyclable packaging. We are proud that our products not only benefit your body, but also the environment.

Tr.Eat Creatine - The key to your best performance

  • Increase muscle strength and performance: Creatine is known to increase muscle strength and improve performance during intense, short-duration activities such as weight lifting or sprinting.

  • Support muscle growth: It can promote muscle growth and is particularly effective when combined with strength training.

  • Improve recovery periods: Creatine can shorten recovery time and reduce muscle soreness after intense exercise.

  • Increased energy production: It supports energy production in the muscles, which is important for endurance and performance.

  • Cognitive Benefits: Creatine also has positive effects on the brain, including improved memory and increased mental stamina.
  • Decreased muscle strength: A lack of creatine can lead to a reduction in maximum muscle strength.

  • Slower recovery: Without adequate creatine, recovery time after exercise could be longer.

  • Impaired performance: Insufficient creatine supply can impair overall performance during short, intense exercises.

  • Reduced Energy Availability: Creatine deficiency can lead to reduced energy production in muscles, affecting endurance and performance.

  • Reduced mental performance: Creatine deficiency can affect cognitive functions such as memory and ability to concentrate.

At Tr.Eat we attach great importance to quality and sustainability. Our creatine is produced under strict quality standards and delivered in environmentally friendly, recyclable packaging. We are proud that our products not only benefit your body, but also the environment.

Tr.Eat Creatine - The key to your best performance

Dietary supplements

Content: e 150 g = 65 daily portions of 2.3 g each or 30 portions of 5 g each

Recommended intake: Stir one serving (2.3 g) daily into a glass of water (250 ml) and drink.

Ingredients: 100% Creatine Monohydrate


Per daily consumption (2.3 g)




  • Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.
  • The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store dry and cool.